سفارش تبلیغ
صبا ویژن

1:4 صبح

Islam Religion Of Life

بدست دست نوشت در دسته اسلام


Islam Religion Of Life

Mohammed Amin Pouramini

TRANSLATED BY:  Seyed Hamid Adeli

Thanks God the Lord of the Worlds, prayer and peace upon our Master and our Prophet Mohammed and his good, pure and impeccable dynasty.

The Almighty God created man and did not leave him, He sent the prophets to guides the man, and they announced His orders and guided the people toward him and trained them. The great forefront prophets are: Abraham, Noah, Moses. Jesus and Muhammad peace and blessings be upon them.

All of them on their turn did their responsibilities toward their nations. Their only word was guidance of people to the Creator and training their souls. Their goal was saving people from being astray and driving them to the truth and perfection route.

All religions from one source , Judaism. Christianity and Islam. The Almighty God said:

((“Say: we believed in God and in what revealed to us and in what revealed to Abraham and Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and his descendents and in what Moses ,Jesus and prophets handed down by their Lord we do not discriminate between one another  and we are Muslims for Him”- i.e. submit ourselves to Him))                      Al-Imran /84

Only there is one essential difference, each religion prior to Islam, had a specific role for a certain time, and we can say every former religion paved the way for the next; In Islam perfection has been achieved and reached its peak. Islam does not oppose former religions, in contrary it contains advantages and additions, what we find in the former religions, are only some Canon and some moral and historical angles, Islam includes all of them besides provisions of the facility in traditions and a significant increase in the principles of ethics and society which makes it suitable to have the last word. The following clarify more:

1. The religion is the only happiness of human and reformer of his life and adjuster of his various powers when uprising and organizer of human being in his life both in this world and hereafter and also in his material and spiritual life.

2. The religion appeared to annul the difference between people, the Almighty and Glorious God said:

((“People were one nation and God sent prophets to give glad tidings and to be warners; and We sent down the Book with them in truth to judge the people wherein they differed”))      Baqarah/213

This verse explains the basic reason for legislation of religion.

Explaining  that : The man’s nature is gregarious and co operative. At the beginning of his life he was one single nation, and then according to the nature the differences appeared in acquisition of the natural biological advantages. This caused ordaining to solve the emergency disagreements and quarrels in life supplies. The religion adapted this important matter and God send prophets giving glad tidings and warnings. They came with the divine law, giving glad tidings and warnings for reward or punishment.

3. The trend towards religion is instinctive; the evidences reveal he did not leave the worship one day. This does not mean he always got the fact in diagnosis and recognizing his Lord; but he had gone about his Lord naturally in this sense we say the orientation of religion is instinctive, and no government was able to resist the religion, as we found the failure of the Soviet Union and the collapse of communist ideology in our modern history, because the religion is a life custom and the way for happiness of man in his life. The only goal for man is following the happiness, the man kind like other species natured to supplement his shortcomings and gaining his needs and crying out what is useful for him and what harms him in his life. The Almighty and Glorious God said:

((“So set your face upright for religion –this is –the God’s handiwork on which he made the mankind; no change in divine man’s wrought.”))   Rome/30

4. That religion is still completing the laws to cover the the needs in life and if it covered all, it will be the last final completion and there will be no other religion. This means the final completed religion will cover all needs for human kind everlastingly.

5. Each preceding Canon must be more perfect than the former ones, if not the Wise will need to annul and meddle with it which is –something- impossible.

6. The ultimate religion must achieve the human his completeness and stability. The Koran declared the last prophet hood and no new versions of religion and the stability of Canon requires the individual and social completion of human being this is the amount which is considered in Koran and His Canon.

7. Islam is the only religion which is described as the ultimate religion, it is more comprehensive and inclusive to meet the man kind’s needs ;and interested in all aspects of secular and spiritual to receive the happiness of the two worlds as we have learned from the Holy Koran in His Magnificent saying:

((O God gives us good in this world and good in the hereafter and save us the agony of hell))

Baqarah /201

It is the chosen religion for the Almighty and Glorious God as in His Magnificent saying:

  ((“Today I completed your religion and finalized My grace upon you and chose Islam-i.e. submitting yourself to Me- as your religion”)) 


In addition in His Magnificent saying :(( “The religion before God is Islam”-i.e. submitting oneself to Him.))   
Al-Imran /19

The Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) is the only Prophet described as the last Prophet, the Almighty and Glorious God said: ((“And the Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of God and the last prophet”))


The Koran is the only Book that did not show any distortion, as the God promised in His saying:

((“We ourselves descended the Reminder and We protect it”))                              Hijr/9

On top of that what we find superstitious in the other religions that caused some people hatred and slippery in their faith; do not exist in Islam which is revealed in the school of Household of Holy prophet- peace be upon them.  


Mohammed Amin pouramini
